Episode 41: Evolving Energy P3 on Higher Ed. Campuses

Carolyn Arida (top left) and Kevin Mara (top right), Chris DePodesta (bottom left)

Carolyn Arida

Managing Director, Head of Utilities - Infrastructure
Harrison Street
LinkedIn | Bio

Kevin Mara
Director, Brailsford & Dunlavey
LinkedIn | Bio

Chris DePodesta
Director of Development and Asset Management - Infrastructure
Harrison Street

Host: Dave Karlsgodt
Director of Energy and Sustainability
Brailsford & Dunlavey

In this episode, you'll hear a session recorded earlier this summer at the 2023 Appalachian State University energy summit in Boone, North Carolina. This panel included my B&D colleague, Kevin Mara, and two industry experts, Chris DePodesta and Carolyn Arida, from the infrastructure investment group at Harrison Street. The topic evolving Energy public-private partnerships or energy P3s for higher education.

Episode 41: Evolving Energy P3 on Higher Ed Campuses
Campus Energy and Sustainability Podcast


Production Team:

Episode Transcript:

The following is an automated transcription of this episode, which will include errors and omissions. You can listen and follow along with the text here: Otter Transcript

You can find a text-only version of the transcript here:

Episode 35: The Eco Performance Office with Ron Herbst

Ron Herbst, Vice President, Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc.

Ron Herbst, Vice President, Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc.

Ron Herbst

Vice President, Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc.

Host: Dave Karlsgodt
Director of Management Advisory Services, Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc.

What can a higher education institution learn from an international bank? In this episode, we talk to Brailsford & Dunlavey’s own Ron Herbst, whose long and varied career in energy eventually led him to work with Deutsche Bank establishing and managing their Eco Performance Management Office (PMO.) An EcoPMO is a team that coordinates all of the functions needed to achieve an organization’s sustainability goals.

As the son of a blue-collar inventor, Ron felt drawn to the energy and sustainability world from a young age and wanted to be what he calls a “building energy efficiency doctor.”

Ron discusses his time at Deutsche with Dave how he applies what he learned about balancing institutional needs with sustainability goals to colleges and universities. In addition, we also discuss how to balance the needs of various institution stakeholders in order to reach those goals.

The Eco Performance Office with Ron Herbst
Campus Energy and Sustainability Podcast


  • The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE): https://www.aashe.org/

  • US Department of Energy - Better Buildings Partnership: https://betterbuildingssolutioncenter.energy.gov/challenge

  • Second Nature: https://secondnature.org/

  • Rocky Mountain Institute: https://rmi.org/our-work/buildings/

Production Team:

Episode Transcript:

The following is an automated transcription of this episode which will include errors and omissions. You can listen and follow along with the text here:


You can find a text-only version of the transcript here: Episode 35 Transcript